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Creates a drake workflow for societal exergy analysis. The caller specifies location of IEA data, which countries should be analyzed, and which the maximum year to be analyzed.


  additional_exemplar_countries = NULL,
  how_far = "all_targets",
  release = FALSE



A vector of abbreviations for countries whose energy conversion chain is to be analyzed, such as "c('GHA', 'ZAF')". Countries named in countries can also serve as exemplars for final-to-useful allocations and efficiencies.


A vector of country abbreviations for which final-to-useful allocations and efficiencies will be read. An energy conversion chain will not be constructed for these countries. However, their final-to-useful allocations and efficiencies may be used as exemplar information for the countries in countries. Default is NULL, indicating no additional exemplars.


The last year to be studied, typically the last year for which data are available.


A string indicating the last target to include in the plan that is returned. Default is "all_targets" to indicate all targets of the plan should be returned.


The path to IEA extended energy balance data in .csv format.


The path to the country concordance Excel file.


The path to a phi (exergy-to-energy ratio) Excel file.


The path to the CEDA data in text file, .per, format.


The path to the machine data in .xlsx format.


The path to an exemplar table.


The path to a folder containing final-to-useful analyses. Sub-folders named with 3-letter country abbreviations are assumed.


A string vector containing paths to folders of report sources, usually .Rnw or .Rmd files.


The path to a folder into which reports are written.


The path to a folder where .zip files of the pipeline cache folders are stored.


The path to a folder where releases of important targets are stored for later retrieval as pinned items on a pinboard..


A boolean that tells whether a new release of the PSUT target should be made. Default is FALSE.


A drake plan object.


The return value is a drake plan object with the following targets:

  • countries: The countries to be analyzed, supplied in the countries argument.

  • alloc_and_eff_couns: The full set of countries for which final-to-useful allocations and efficiencies will be read. This is the sum of countries and additional_exemplar_countries, with duplicates removed.

  • max_year: The maximum year to be analyzed, supplied in the max_year argument.

  • iea_data_path: The path to IEA extended energy balance data, supplied in the iea_data_path argument.

  • country_concordance_path: The path to the country concordance file, supplied in the country_concordance_path argument.

  • phi_constants_path: The path to a phi (exergy-to-energy ratio) file, supplied in the phi_constants_path argument.

  • ceda_data_folder: The path to the CEDA data, supplied in the ceda_data_folder argument.

  • machine_data_path: The path to the machine data excel files, supplied in the machine_data_path argument.

  • exemplar_table_path: The path to an exemplar table, supplied in the exemplar_table_path argument.

  • fu_analysis_folder: The path to the final-to-useful analysis folder, supplied in the fu_analysis_folder argument.

  • report_output_folder: The path to a report output folder, supplied in the report_output_folder argument.

  • CountryConcordanceTable: A data frame containing concordance information which maps full country names to custom 3 letter codes.

  • AllIEAData: A data frame with all IEA extended energy balance data read from iea_data_path.

  • IEAData: A version of the AllIEAData data frame containing data for only those countries specified in countries.

  • CEDAData: A data frame containing temperature data supplied through CEDATools::read_cru_cy_files.

  • AllMachineData: A data frame containing Eta.fu values read through functions in machine_functions.R.

  • MachineData: A filtered version of AllMachineData containing information for only alloc_and_eff_couns.

  • balanced_before: A boolean that tells where the data were balanced as received, usually a vector of FALSE, one for each country.

  • BalancedIEAData: A data frame containing balanced IEA extended energy balance data.

  • balanced_after: A boolean telling whether IEA extended energy balance data is balanced after balancing, usually a vector of TRUE, one for each country.

  • OKToProceed: NULL means everything is balanced and proceeding is OK.

  • Specified: A data frame with specified industries. See IEATools::specify_all().

  • PSUT_final: A data frame containing PSUT matrices up to the final stage.

  • ExemplarLists: A data frame containing lists of exemplar countries on a per-country, per-year basis.

Phi_constants: A table of reasonable constant values for phi, the energy-to-exergy ratio.

  • IncompleteAllocationTables: A data frame containing final-to-useful allocation tables.

  • TidyIncompleteAllocationTables: A data frame containing final-to-useful allocation tables.

  • CompletedAllocationTables : A data frame containing completed final-to-useful allocation tables.

  • CompletedEfficiencyTables: A data frame containing completed final-to-useful efficiency tables.

  • CompletedPhiTables : A data frame of completed exergy-to-energy ratios.

  • Cmats : A data frame containing CompletedAllocationTables in matrix form.

  • EtaPhivecs : A data frame containing final-to-useful efficiency and exergy-to-energy ratio vectors.

  • PSUT_useful : A data frame containing PSUT matrices up to the useful stage.

  • FinalDemandSectors: A list of final demand sectors, supplied through the get_fd_sectors function.

  • PrimaryIndustryPrefixes: A string vector of primary industry prefixes, supplied through the get_p_industry_prefixes function.

  • AggregatePrimaryData : A data frame containing aggregate primary energy and exergy values by total, product, and flow.

  • AggregateFinalUsefulData : A data frame containing aggregate final and useful energy and exergy values by total, product, and sector.

  • SocioEconData : A data frame containing socioeconomic data, supplied by the get_L_K_GDP_data function.

  • AllocationGraphs : A data frame containing allocation plots.

  • NonStationaryAllocationGraphs : A data frame containing allocation plots for non-stationary data only.

  • EfficiencyGraphs : A data frame containing final-to-useful efficiency plots.

  • ExergyEnergyGraphs : A data frame containing exergy-to-energy ratio plots.

  • report_source_paths: A string vector of paths to sources for reports.

  • report_dest_paths: A string for the path to a folder into which reports will written.

  • reports_complete: A boolean that tells whether reports were written successfully.

Callers can execute the plan by calling drake::make(plan). Results can be recovered with drake::readd(target = iea_data_path) or similar.

Note that some targets can be read using readd_by_country(), including:

  • AllIEAData,

  • IEAData,

  • BalancedIEAData,

  • Specified,

  • PSUT_final,

  • ExemplarLists,

  • IncompleteAllocationTables,

  • CompletedAllocationTables,

  • IncompleteEfficiencyTables, and

  • CompletedEfficiencyTables,


get_plan(countries = c("GHA", "ZAF"),
         max_year = 1999,
         iea_data_path = "iea_path",
         country_concordance_path = "country_concordance_path",
         phi_constants_path = "phi_constants_path",
         ceda_data_folder = "ceda_path",
         machine_data_path = "machine_path",
         exemplar_table_path = "exemplar_path",
         fu_analysis_folder = "fu_folder",
         reports_source_folders = "reports_source_folders",
         reports_dest_folder = "reports_dest_folder",
         pipeline_caches_folder = "pipeline_caches_folder",
         pipeline_releases_folder = "pipeline_releases_folder")
#> # A tibble: 51 × 3
#>    target                   command                    dynamic   
#>    <chr>                    <expr_lst>                 <expr_lst>
#>  1 countries                c(c("GHA", "ZAF"))         NA        
#>  2 alloc_and_eff_couns      unique(c(countries, NULL)) NA        
#>  3 max_year                 1999                       NA        
#>  4 iea_data_path            "iea_path"                 NA        
#>  5 country_concordance_path "country_concordance_path" NA        
#>  6 phi_constants_path       "phi_constants_path"       NA        
#>  7 ceda_data_folder         "ceda_path"                NA        
#>  8 machine_data_path        "machine_path"             NA        
#>  9 exemplar_table_path      "exemplar_path"            NA        
#> 10 fu_analysis_folder       "fu_folder"                NA        
#> # … with 41 more rows